Pegasus Bay
Merlot Cabernet 2021 750ml
This wine is made in the same style as the celebrated Claret from Bordeaux, using traditional methods.
It has a dense, inky, and brooding appearance. Creeping stealthily from the glass is a convoy of wild and savoury aromas. Wood smoke, leather, tobacco, and roast game, melded with grilled plum, spiced berry, and curious mineral undertones. Tightly packed tannins and a concentrated mouthfeel give the wine a powerful, muscular presence. A seam of vigorous acidity creates the perfect partnership, rippling through the palate to deliver a sustained and gratifying finish.
Tasting Notes
Waipara Valley |
Bottle Closure Type
- |
2021 |
13.50 |
Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product.
All prices based on live exchange rate.