Tangle 2024 750ml

Huia Tangle 2024 750ml

A beautiful blend of Pinot Gris, Viognier and Riesling with a hint of Sauvignon Blanc.

This dry style wine has luscious notes of pear, melon and honeysuckle on the nose followed by nectarine and lemon curd with a lightly textural palette

Alc: 13% | TA: 6g/l | pH: 3.31 | RS: 2.82g/l 

63% Pinot Gris | 25% Viognier | 12% Riesling 0.03%

Sauvignon Blanc Tangle 2024 Vineyard / Vintage Early season poor flowering resulted in loose grape bunches which helped minimize disease risk. Drought-like conditions during summer and the lead up to harvest resulted in a smaller yield with spectacular fruit quality. Our grapes were sourced from well-established vines located in the Omaka and Waihopai Valleys. 

Winemaking The fruit was handpicked and destemmed before being gently pressed and cold settled. The Pinot Gris was then racked into stainless steel and fermented using organic yeast. While the Viognier and Riesling were racked into neutral puncheons and barriques then fermented with Sauvignon Blanc pied de cuve and wild yeasts.  


Tasting Notes
Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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