Foxes Island
Estate Pinot Noir 2013 750ml

Foxes Island Estate Pinot Noir 2013 750ml

Great winemaking is not for the impatient, nor the faint of heart; it requires consideration, a careful hand in its making, and unwavering commitment. At Foxes Island, we believe excellence comes with preparation, tenacity, and patience, and a truly great wine deserves time; a precious commodity we cannot manipulate but must respect, endure, and appreciate. 

In 1993, the Foxes Island Estate Pinot Noir was one of the first single vineyard wines in New Zealand and has been the foundation of our Pinot Noir program for over three decades. It challenged the norms in New Zealand's early days of winemaking and has continually rewarded many with delight.

The ancient Awatere soils, warm days, cool nights, and dry Summer conditions are ideal for Pinot Noir.  The Estate is a blend of three Dijon clones planted 115, 667, and 777 and reflects the seven distinct terraces that curvaceously sit above, around, and alongside the Awatere River.  Those same curves are also found in the wine; they give movement, harmony, and form.

All Foxes Island Pinot Noirs undergo Indigenous fermentation by the yeast and bacteria from the vineyard, which imprint a unique thumbprint on the wine, one that cannot be replicated anywhere else in the world.  Indigenous fermentations are an integral part of the Foxes Island story and an authentic reflection of the land, the terroir; it's the secret sauce.

The 2013 indigenous ferment is a stylish wine with strong lines and soft curves. Generous yet refined layers unfold their complexities slowly and methodically in the glass. Aromas of rose and aromatic red cherries lead to ripe dark fruit flavors underscored by savory herbs, sweet spices, and toasty oak that are long and sumptuous.

The wine will continue to unfold over time, making this wine a delight to drink now and over the next ten to fifteen years.





Minimum order: 6 bottles across Foxes Island Wines' range.
Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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