Richmond Plains
Pinot Gris 2023 750ml

Richmond Plains Pinot Gris 2023 750ml

Richmond Plains Pinot Gris is a soft, subtle, fruity and elegant wine. This approachability makes it an excellent match for many different foods and cooking styles from spicy Asian dishes to grilled seafood. Tasting: Fragrant floral aromas with apricot, poached pear, rockmelon and subtle spice. Hints of Turkish delight and rose petals. A smooth, long lingering finish with elegant weight and smooth flow. Wine Making: Beautifully ripe fruit was hand harvested in the end of March and whole bunch pressed. Partly (28%) fermented in Oak Barrels for 6 months. Tiny berries produced wonderful concentrated fruit flavours which were preserved by fermenting the wine at cool temperatures. Diet: Suitable for a vegan diet.

Certified Organic: .BioGro   Analysis: Alcohol 13.5%, Acidity 6.0 g/L, Residual Sugar 5 g/L

It's gently lifted on the nose showing rockmelon, poached pear, lemon peel and subtle spice aromas. The palate delivers succulent fruit flavours with smooth mouthfeel, finishing juicy and refreshing. Certified organic. 91 Points, 4.5 Stars, Sam Kim (Wine Orbit) May 2023
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Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap

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Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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