Te Mania
Pinot Noir 2022 750ml
Te Mania Pinot Noir is made in an elegant appealing style which can be enjoyed when young but will also benefit from a little cellaring allowing it to develop more complex characters.
Tasting: Lovely lifted nose with red cherry and mocha notes combined with savoury, spicy aromas. Savoury, gamey flavours with hints of leather balanced with elegant tannins add complexity to this wine which delivers a long elegant finish. This wine will continue to develop complexity over the next couple of years.
Wine Making: A range of Pinot Noir clones were hand harvested. The grapes were crushed and put into open tanks and fermented with wild and inoculated yeasts. The fermenting wine and skins were hand plunged 2 to 3 times daily. After ferment the wine was left on skins for 14 days before being pressed, settled and racked to tank. The wine was then aged in French oak barrels for 10 months.
Certified Organic: BioGro.
Diet: Suitable for a vegan diet.
Analysis: Alcohol 13.5%, Acidity: 5.5 g/L
It's brightly fruited and fragrant with red cherry, plum, thyme and warm spice aromas, followed by a silky-smooth palate that's juicy and fleshy. Attractively styled and delightfully drinkable with a lengthy supple finish. 91 Points, 4.5 Stars, Sam Kim (Wine Orbit) May 2023
Nelson |
Bottle Closure Type
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2022 |
13.50 |
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Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product.
All prices based on live exchange rate.