Legacy Syrah 2022 750ml
The 2022 Thomas Estate Syrah is an inky-purple wine with garnet hues. The wine displays aromas of black and red fruits, violets, plum, smoke and black pepper. The flavours are immense, blackberry, redcurrant, plum, toasty spice and vanilla. The mouthfeel is smooth and generous, the tannins are supple and dense. Cellaring potential 2022 to 2032.
96 points and double gol NZ International Wine Show 2023
95 points Bob Campbell MW
Ps.: USA customers, please note our Legacy range has the name of "reserve" in USA.
Price based on case of any 15x 750ml bottles, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. All prices based on live exchange rate.