On Giants' Shoulders
Pinot Noir 2020 750ml

On Giants' Shoulders Pinot Noir 2020 750ml

The 2020 vintage can be classed as one of the classic years in line with 2013, 2008, 2001 and possibly 1996. A benign spring with favourable temperatures over November and December resulted in good fruit-set and thus potential yield. From Christmas onwards the season dried up with very little precipitation until April. You might remember our first lockdown, it was on the eve of the start of our harvest, the weather was amazing, and winegrowers got the green light to pick and complete the harvest. 2020 was a lockdown wine, made under the strictest of hygiene requirements and little social interaction. So, please share and enjoy this wine, it was a bit lonely in the early days and would love your attention and social interaction!

Like our lockdown, the impact of the wine will show over time as its power and character unravels.


Minimum order: 6 bottles across On Giants' Shoulders' range.


Price based on case of any 15x 750ml bottles, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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