Riesling 2024 750ml

Hunter's Riesling 2024 750ml


The wine shows characters of ripe citrus and grapefruit notes on the nose. Focused and balanced wine that finishes strong with floral and minerality characters that lingers on the palate.  The palate is soft with a med-dry finish that lingers on.  The wine displays excellent fruit purity together with fine texture and mouth-watering acidity that finishes linear and persistent.  This wine is very approachable now however it has excellent cellaring potential. 


Vegan certified by the New Zealand Vegetarian Society. 

 The fruit for this wine was sourced from vineyards located in the Rapaura and Southern Valleys area of Marlborough, famed for its alluvial soils. The grapes were machine harvested and gently pressed with only the free run portion being used in the wine.  The juice underwent fermentation in stainless steel tank before being blended and bottled

GOLD – New Zealand International Wine Show 2024, October 24

 SILVER – National Wine Awards 2024, October 24


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Minimum order: 3 bottles across Hunter's Wines' range.
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Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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