te Pa Family Vineyards
Montford Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2024 750ml
An ethereal, highly perfumed bouquet with
white florals, fresh herbs, lime and
grapefruit notes.
The palate is pure fruited with lime, mint,
anise, and blackcurrant characters. Finely
textured and beautifully balanced, this wine
possesses a wet stone and talc minerality,
which compliments the concentrated and
elegant primary fruit profile.
Marlborough |
Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap |
2024 |
13.50 |
Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product.
All prices based on live exchange rate.